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Thinking Circular, Designing Circular, Applying Circular and

Experiencing Circular.

Circular economy framework in Design

"Nature doesn't have a design problem. People do." W. McDonough & M. Braungart

september 8th, 7:00 pm

The story of Industrial revolution began in England, the land of occupations which were related with agriculture. Changing the raw material of fabric from wool to cotton brought new technologies to the system. The new technologies helped to increased the production and "the railroad and the steamship allowed products to be moved more quickly and farther." W. McDonough & M. Braungart, Cradle to Cradle, p: 19.

The labourers moved into towns to save their time and it helped to work more hours per-day. The fast growth of population in cities created very bad living conditions, dirty and crowded places. 

Many different jobs created by Industrial revolution and it affect the class structure of the societies. 

"The Industrial revolution was not planned, but it was not without a motive. At bottom it was an economic revolution, driven by the desire for the acquistion of capital. Industrialists wanted to make products as efficiently as possible and greatest volume of goods to the largest number of people."W. McDonough & M. Braungart, Cradle to Cradle, p: 21.

Of course, in the begining of the story, nobody could guess Industrial revolution would have such consequences_ poison the air, soil  and water, dangerous materials, lots of waste, cutting down the natural material, etc and nature was described as ""Mother earth" who, perpetually regenrative, would absorb all things and countinue to grow." W. McDonough & M. Braungart, Cradle to Cradle, p: 25.

After observing the results of a long period of quick linear production system, our undrestanding about the nature has changed. The air, the water, plants and soil are vulnerable and are not renewable. 

"Where is away?" W. McDonough & M. Braungart

september 8th, 7:00 pm

Everything is "designed for you to throw away when you are finished with it. But where is "away"? Ofcourse "away" does not really exist. "Away" has gone away"."  W. McDonough & M. Braungart, Cradle to Cradle, p: 27.

The allure of new brand products, advertising and trend push us to say "We want the latest and greatest." H. Row, Fast company . "The BBC reports that more than half of people between the ages of 16 and 34 plan to replace their cell phones and DVD players every three years. Only 2% will continue to use the same technology tools for more than five years." H. Row, Fast company .​

In the modern manufacturing and business' plan of the products, it is cheaper to buy a new versian or most of the products "designed with " build-in absolescence,"' for a certain period of time and " allow- to encourage- the customer to get rid of the thing and buy a new model."  W. McDonough & M. Braungart, Cradle to Cradle, p: 28.  All these products such as Furniture, carpet, shoes, plastic packages, diapers, paper, telephones and computers are made of materials which required effort and energy to turn to the product. These are "ultimate products of an industrial system that is designed on a linear, one-way cradle-to-grave model."W. McDonough & M. Braungart, Cradle to Cradle, p: 27. 





september 10th, 11:00 am

The first renewable resource is documented in 1910 by Henry Ford, he succeeded and a plastic-bodied car- Soybean car- which made from soybean waste mixed with other components  was presented in August 13, 1941 to public. This new technology and material would not pay attention until 1960. Our undrestanding about the nature has changed, and it pushed the scientist and engineers to research about plastic. 





Soybean car


september 11th, 2:20 pm






september 13th, 2:34 pm

Reducing the resources and increasing the prices globaly, show us we need a new way different from our current linear way in production and consuption. 

Circular economy is a new way which has a different starting point. This way is based on multiple use cycles with high quality.  To start to create a new world with new rules we need to change our view points and thoughts to Energy, Business, Material and Design. We need to change the linear way and boost the circular way.

Here is a video from Ellen MacArthur Foundation about the circular economy in Holland. 






Starting to create a new world with new rules

Consumer scale!

October 17th, 3:41 pm

Consumption and consumer terms are very incomprehensible and intangible. The convenience culture is main keystone of linear system.

There are 5 concepts of linear system which push the whole picture to convinience culture: 1)Want 2)Take 3)Make 4)Use 5)Dispose...





Methodology Map!

November 4th, 3:40 pm

I generate a methodology to apply circular economy framework in Design. This methodology has 3 phases. Everything started with seeing and undrestanding the whole picture. I call it from Macrocosm to Microcosm. The intersections of these cosmos created the BRAIN of the picture (Phase 1). Then I started to De-construct this BRAIN ( Phase 2). The last part is Re-Construct the BRAIN part with using the circular framework (Phase3).  





Applying the methodology

November 4th, 8:20 pm

Any project can developed by this methodology! 

I created a cosmos with three different planet(metaphore):

1) Designing a office space *

2) Donating system * 

3) Food retail 

In the end of my presentation to my two advisors, Stan Rickel and Alex Lobos, we decided to work on only one of these topics. 

We decided on Food retail!

(* You can follow these projects later in my personal website!)





Applying the methodology on Food Retail

November 8th, 10:58  am





We all eat...

November 9th, 9:30 am


Eating makes us all the same, we need fuel and nourishment. "Food is one of the most important necessities for humans; we eat to live and at least most people are blesses with a meal a day, while some others can afford three or more. Independent of our culture and customs, dinning remains a vital aspect in different festivities across the world between and within families and friends."Social and Economic Issues – Genetically Modified FoodDivine Nkonyam Akumo1, Heidi Riedel2 and Iryna Semtanska2, 3

But eating FOOD is so much more than just surviving and fuel. "It is social glue, a showcase of our identity that can comfort us, reveal memories of forgotton times and hidden places. Food can bring joy, status, sadness, conviviality and connection" Marije Vogelzang, Eating designer, Food Player

I devided FOOD into two categories according to Alexius Meinong Austrian philosopher (1853-1929) , Natural scale (Exist and subsist) and human scale (Subsist but not exist- relationships)!





Lori’s Natural Foods Center 

November 9th, 10:15 am


"Lori’s Natural Foods Center was established in 1981 by Jim Starks and his daughter, Lori. For many years, Jim and his wife Dori had always maintained a hearty garden for themselves and their family, so when the opportunity came for Jim to take early retirement after his 31 successful years at Bausch and Lomb, he put his love and appreciation for wholesome foods into his next adventure! After searching for some time, Jim purchased a small store that originally carried one line of vitamins and a few bulk items. He saw the opportunity, and with his 19-year old daughter Lori as his partner, Lori’s Natural Foods was born!"

I was there this weekend. I went there for just observation but I came home with a bag full of natural food such as tasty honey from local farm in Rochester made of fall flowers, bamboo spoon and  fork, etc.

My observation ended with this topic:

Lori's sells life-style that goes with the products and food.  






We eat or we die...

November 10th, 9:30 pm


To undrestand the cognitive and emotional relation of food in the human scale, I need to de-construct every single component in the big picture.







November 15th, 12:58 pm


Money! Price! 

Two main motivation for every system. 

The trend toward globalization "increasing numbers of industries, supply exceeds demand. The trend toward globalization compunds the situation. As trade barriers between nations and regions are dismantled and as information on products and prices becomes instantly and globally available, niche markets and havens for monopoly continue to disappear."1 " The result has been accelerated commoditization of products and services, increasing price war, and shrinking profit margins. Recent industrywide studies on major American brands confirm this trend. They reveal that for major product and service categories, brands are generally becoming more similar, and as they are becoming more similar people increasingly select based on price."2

1-2: Blue Ocean Strategy , W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne







Mr. Rockfeeling!

November 15th, 4:42 pm


"For companiese it is not so much about saving the planet. That is not their first concern. Their first concern is to make money and to be economically sucessfull"Dr Erwin van der Laan "The companiese are racing to beat the competition by building a defensible position within the existing industry order."Blue Ocean Strategy , W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne

But in Blue ocean strategy the competition is not the key-stone, instead the companiese follow a different strategy based on "Value innovation"Blue Ocean Strategy , W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne

The new innovative value in business creates  a new and uncontested space in the market.








Closing the loop...

Source of life...

November 15th, 10:39 pm


I started my experimental garden on 4th of Nov. My goal is to research how is posibble to create a long term relationship between food and user? I asked students to feed and water this garden and take photo and send it to #heartbrainfood on instagram. 

During this process, I realized people share their photoes about food, prepration time and their mood during eating food.

Food is a source of joy and life!






“The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.” 
― Erma Bombeck

November17th, 1:00 am

Making decision during shopping has a big influence in shaping and designing a new circular retail system.

There is a wonderful video by Barry Schwartz to explain what is going on in western societies consuming culture.






Crafting food

November 24th, 4:00 pm

Food is a old way of hand crafting. Mast Brothers chocolate company in NYC, bring this old way to a modern way!





November 25th, 9:39 pm

Walmart is a world of paradoxes!  





Waste money and live miserably or Save money and live better !

November 28th, 7:00 pm

"In a college class, we learned that mushrooms could grow on recycled coffee grounds. After watching hours of how-to videos and turning our fraternity kitchen into a big science experiment, we eventually decided to give up our corporate job offers to instead become full-time mushroom farmers. What started as curiosity about urban farming has turned into a passion for “undoing food” and reconnecting families to it through fun, delicious and sustainable “ready to grow” and “ready to eat” products.

Much love,
Alejandro & Nikhil"





Back to the root...

Urban Farm...

November 29th, 2:23 pm

A rooftop is enough to produce  " 50,000 lbs of organically-cultivated produce per year." BROOKLYN GRANGE





Root to Leaf; There is a connection between Design, Music and Food...

December 9th, 4:42 pm

There are few corners here in Rochester for me to hang out and have fun. One of these corners is in Barnes and Nobel-RIT. You are going in, turn left. There are 3 big shelves of cook book. Today my eyes catch ROOT TO LEAF book by Steven Satterfield, award winning chef of Miller Union. His books pages make me to love food one more time... 

I loved this quote from Steven Satterfield " Americans have been conditioned to believe that more is better. It is a first-world problem to have everything you want, anytime you want it, and this type of thinking has done some serious damage to our food system and collective health. " 




The Suburbs...

December 13th, 11:00 pm





Evolutionary and historical perspectives of food

January 2016 11th, 1:56 pm

Each of us must eat or in order to survive. Food is one of our most fundamental biological needs. Humans are omnivorous and can obtain food from a variety of living systems. Obtaining food was the major daily activity of early human beings. There were not enough tools and because of extreme climate conditions earlier societies used lots of energy to gather or hunt enough food for survival. They adapted themselves to the harmony of the nature and they migrated in pursuit of food sources. According to French diet developer Michael Montignac, “From the beginning and up to the Neolithic Period, approximately 10.000 years ago, man [sic] was a nomad who lived by hunting and picking wild fruit and vegetables and his diet was basically made up of game (protein and lipids) as well as wild berries and roots (carbohydrates with low Glycemic Indexes and high fiber content.)” by Micheal Montignac Beginning in the Neolithic era, humans began to create settlements and use simple tools. They imposed limitations to their life style and brought new rules to the environment in which they lived. The Neolithic revolution brought farming, allowing people to produce their own food for the very first time. The new tools and methods of surviving changed the nutrition of humans. “Compared to the hunter-food pickers of the Mesolithic Age, the farmer-cattleman had considerably reduced the variety of the food he ate.” by Micheal Montignac


Early Neolithic era farming created a limited diet including grains such as wheat and millet, and meat from goats and sheep. Species varieties for planting were limited by the climate and geographical realities of particular locations. This revolution in dietary lifestyles resulted in some deficiencies which affected health and life spans.


With the industrial revolution and emergence of cities and technology, the human diet has become more catastrophic. Food has become more than the thing we eat daily. Food has a deep connection with history, social and cultural roots, ethnic background, biology and geography. All of these elements influence human eating patterns.



In this millennium, the economy is driven by consumption culture. Food has been commoditized along with other mass produced goods. Throwaway culture has penetrated the food market. This situation could “show us where man lost his way and ended up on a path to obesity, diabetes and heart illness.” by Micheal Montignac


There are lots of reasons behind obesity, diabetes and heart illness. “We Humans are indeed omnivorous is deeply inscribed in our bodies, which natural selection has equipped to handle a remarkably wide-range diet”. Omnivore’s Dilemma, Pollan. M. p:289

However the biology of most of the food which is could find in the supermarkets include of a tiny species of Plants such as Corn and Soybean. “For the past 50 years, U.S. farm policy has been increasingly directed toward driving down the price of farm commodities, including corn and soybeans.”Food Without thought, Schoonover H. and Muller M. Current farm policy about the low cost of corn and soybean, made these two plant two favorite food substance for companies and directed the food companies to design ways to use these additives.

Corn and soybean are two miracle substance - does not exist a couple generation ago are in whole food system. “Corn feeds the chicken and pig, the turkey and the lamb, the catfish and the tilapia and, increasingly, even the salmon”.Omnivore’s Dilemma, Pollan. M. p:18

The wrong policy of farming, high prices of soil and fertilizers, the regulations in international market all limited human diet in this millennium.







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